Thursday Jul 23, 2015

Using the Haddon matrix: introducing the third dimension

William Haddon Jr developed his conceptual model, the Haddon matrix, by applying basic principles of public health to the problem of traffic safety. In 1998, Carol Runyan expanded on his work with the seminal paper “Using the Haddon matrix: introducing the third dimension” that expanded on the matrix and its utility by adding a decision-making dimension based on principles of policy analysis. This paper made an important contribution to the injury prevention field as it provided straightforward and useful guidance on how to apply and use an already familiar tool to better support evidence-based decision-making. In this podcast, Dr Runyan, UNC Injury Prevention Research Center, and J Morag MacKay, European Child Safety Alliance discuss the impact of the work and, given the current challenges decision makers face in translating research into action, how this framework remains relevant today. Read the papers: Using the Haddon matrix: introducing the third dimension

Research and practice in a multidimensional world: a commentary on the contribution of the third dimension of the Haddon matrix to injury prevention

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